September 09, 2004

POAS syndrom is a bitch

Geez it certainly has been a while hasn't it? Well there's was a trip to NF and school starting up, and well I'm sure I could come up with atleast a half a dozen other excuses ...

POAS syndrom is killing me this week. I'm not quite sure why. I thought for sure once I was regularly getting my period I would be able to stop myself from Peeing On A Stick (POAS syndrom definition, when you can't seem to stop yourself from peeing on a stick) ... back to what I was saying, I truly thought the urge to constantly test and see if I was pregnant would go away once I had 28 day cycles coming regularly, suprisingly, I didn't know 28 days could seem to last forever. I've stopped myself. I have already spent a fortune on tests. I will control myself this cycle and not test until my period is atleast late .. well or atleast until implatation is even possible.

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