November 09, 2006

You love me ... you really love me

Geez I guess announcing a fourth must be breaking some kind of family record or something isn't it?

I know, it's huge news .. trust me we are still trying to let it sink in ourselves. Even though we've been trying for a fourth .. when it actually happens and that stick shows positive, your heart still skips a beat!

To respond to a few comments ..

Yes Henry that was $100 in diapers I believe and all sorts of shapes and sizes will do just fine. Let's cross our fingers Joeye will be easy to train and we'll only have the one in diapers .. high expectations I know, but it all starts with hope!

Uncle Paul we actually don't need a bus yet, we still have two seats left .. although JJ does keep making jokes about buying one and painting it .. wouldn't that help it to look sporty eh? You can't take the boy out of the man!

Amy sorry to diappoint but I'm trying to stay away from the McDonalds. The morning sickness has been killing me and I've been trying to eat through the nausea .. not a good idea I must say. I think I gained 8 lbs last week from eating a box of pizza pops every day for breakfast. But honestly if they didn't want me to eat all four at a sitting they maybe they should have sold them individually!

Bee I wouldn't hold your breath on Melanie having one anytime soon by the sounds of it .. I think she is going to be way too busy anyway making food for those fancy parties of hers .. so when is the next one I am feeling a little hungry .. do you have any pizza pops on the menu?

Hey where are Heather's preggo pics? Am I the only exhibitionist (sp?) of the family?

Auntie Berta .. the boobs are JJ's favorite part .. they don't yell back, haha!

Auntie Brenda .. if all goes as scheduled the little bundle will indead arrive on your birthday ... July 1st, as Leslie said, very Canadian of me, eh!

And the famous water .. sadly no, I forgot to drink it! I know how pathetic. What is meant to be will be. I'm hoping for another girl, I just hate stepping on lego!

Thanks everyone for all the well wishes!!

November 07, 2006

What can I say really .... but

We are expecting a new set of little feet to arrive in July

November 02, 2006

A quick costume update

I have so much to say as always and no time to say it, but I wanted to show everyone the pics of the girls on Halloween. Thanks Auntie Brenda for the Geisha costumes .. they got a lot of use this season.

JJ, Amy and I getting ready for a night out. I know we really need to grow out of this .. but I doubt we ever will!

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The Heffalump

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and running away

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My Geisha and Goth Princess (honestly where does Caity come up with these ideas???)

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Trying to steal the loot before the tricker treaters even had a chance to arrive

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Here mom really I was getting it for you

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Our pumpkin carving

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and celebrating our loot at the end of the night

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oh wait .. something totally unrelated .. spaghetti face

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