January 12, 2005

Ultrasound #2

On Monday JJ and I,(not to mention we dragged Amy along with us), to our second ultrasound.

I did way better this time with the whole bladder filling process and I believe I've gotten it down to a perfect science. In fact, I didn't even feel like I really had to pee until I laid on the table and the ultrasound tech pushed on my gut with that wand thing.

So JJ and I clutched hands as the tech swirled around taking measurements of goodness knows what. You could see fingers and arms and a head and all the usual things you would expect to see. She showed us all the various limbs and managed to point out that the baby is poking me with the index finger and thumb (something I've been suspecting since the very first flutter). The whole process lasted about five minutes. You could see the baby flipping around and giving me good kicks would both feet together. It was all rather amusing.

Then as quickly as it began, it was over. Not once did she ask us if we wanted to know the sex. Even though we knew in advance they didn't tell you, the forthcoming and chatty waitress at GTO's had me convinced they would tell me. So the 3-day conversation JJ and I deciding on whether or not to find out ... useless! Ahh well I really did want it to be a surprise .. and it would be .. IF .. JJ hadn't convinced himself he's seen all the fingers, all the toes and a vagina! That's right folks .. my husband has decided he saw something! Although he gives me an 80% chance of accuray .. if anything I think he's got a 50/50 chance of proving his abilities.

Hmm so Joey or maybe Joeye .. we have no idea.

I really wanted to post a picture of the ultrasound but unfortunately in Halifax they see that as not medically necessary, and do not offer pictures. Not to mention there is nowheres in the Halifax area to go pay for an ultrasound ... so no pictures, no gender answers. I'm trying to get JJ to take a picture of my big butt to post here but we just haven't gotten around to fitting it into a picture yet. We're working on it!

Hi there:

Happy to hear your pregnancy is moving along as it should. I wouldn't worry about the "butt" thing, this too will pass. You are truly blessed to be bringing another person into the world. God Bless you and your baby. (not anonymous but no time to log in properly) Your aunts in Ontario wish you and your family all the best in the New Year. (wink.. auntie Heather)
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