April 04, 2006

Autographs and Pictures

The Juno fanfare was full of long lineups, quick pictures and autographs. What can you do though, there were so many people (mostly little kids, screaming little kids) there to see the celebrities, so they were forced to "moo"ve us through like cattle. Here are some highlights in photos ...

Cait and "Theory of a Dead Man", who she thought was just so cool

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Kelsey and Skye Sweetnum (I think that's her name)

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and of course the man of the hour Kalan Porter

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Last but not least .. Joeye just hanging around and enjoying the show ..

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but eventually just too much excitement, you can see she's still wearing her name tag so everybody would autograph her name right ...

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Baby Joyee is so Cute. Did she get many Autographs. Were all the top 10 for babies there like... The Wiggles..or Cookie Monster :~)

It looks like all had a good time, and it is good to get her out there and teach her how to party when she's young :~).

The closest thing to a famous Band Madison got was an autograped Poster and a Nick name. The Band GOB called her a little Goblet before she was even born, and they autographed a poster for Baby Goblet.
That'll teach April to make fun of the band and pretend like she was gonna be a Gob Groupie.
OMG.....Joyee is SO cute!! But, man, what a mess! Better you than me. :)

No wonder you stay so slim. I bet cleaning up chocolate cake burns way more calories than eating it..lol.

I can't wait to meet the girls this summer. The last time I saw Kelsey she was so young she looked more like Joeye. I know sometimes I get kinda shy when I get around new people, but not this time. I am going to make sure I get to meet everyone and talk to everyone because I never know when I will get the chance again. Eveyone can get to know the real corny goofy me.

I guess sometimes I just feel like an outsider as I didn't grow up with the family like everyone else did. Now, I just feel happy that eveyone wants to even talk to me, cause really, in some families I wouldn't even be this lucky. I mean, I still haven't even met everyone, so I can't put into words how much I am looking forward to this summer. I really hope I can manage to visit for a few days before the wedding. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Glad to see everyone having fun! Please keep sharing the pics.
Joeye rocks! I love a girl who can eat chocolate cake and not feel the guilt afterwards. Ha Ha!
That was really...brave of you to take the girls out for autographs! Uncle Henry's right, teach them young how to party!
And this is to Jen...are you sure you're related? A MacAulay acting shy and not trying to be the center of attention....yeah right!
Cake and Canadian rock stars - what an unbeatable combination!
Les, it is just around people who don't know me very well yet. My friends will tell you what a ham I am.....especially if there is liquor involved...haha.
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