May 23, 2006

Long Weekend Visit

Had a great time over the long weekend with the family. It's always nice to visit Uncle Paul and Auntie Cheryl because they feed us. Uncle Paul was even nice enough to send us home with some spaghetti sauce ...

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we were loving Uncle Paul's spaghetti ....

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until Amy called to tell us it was full of moose meat

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We're coming to get you Uncle Paul!

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atleast there was nothing funny in our ice cream

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Those pictures are so funny. But it looks like Joeye did enjoy the spaghetti and ice cream.
Me and Les learned very early on to ask what kind of meat was in anything Dad made for quite a while...but Dad got us back...he called everything meef...maybe beef ...maybe not...

Yeah, I was very upset when I took my first bite of spaghetti. I called Dad to confirm what I suspected was moose meat and then all I could think of was calling Monica to warn her as
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