June 22, 2007

It's official

It survived Joeye and even this time I thought I would be able to save it, especially since I was so close to the end but sadly .. my belly button piercing has ripped. That's right my belly button has broken. Now if anything atleast the whole thing ripped off and now it just kinda looks like two little swollen bumps that if I'm really lucky will just go back to looking atleast somewhat normal like I've never been pierced in the first place .. otherwise I'll be having some belly button reconstruction surgery done .. and geez while I'm there I may as well get some bigger boobs too! Atleast I haven't gotten any stretch marks though .. although I don't know how that's possible considering how big I've gotten.

Owwie owwie owwie!
Sorry, I couldn't read the whole post...my stomach was starting to churn! ICK!!!!
wheres the boy...wheres the boy...wheres the boy...he must be shy...
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